Star Wars: Battleffont II 6on6+ Ladder
Date Stat Points Enemy
31.03.07 loss (-04) TBA (Tha Bloody Angels)
25.03.07 win (+23) TBAB (Tha Bloody Angel BetaSquad)
24.03.07 draw (+02) NEA (New-Earth-Alliance)
10.03.07 draw (+11) tAoD (the Army of Darkness)
04.03.07 win (+22) CCE (ChAoS-Clan-Elite)
03.03.07 draw (+04) BFWE (Battlefront-World-Elite)
24.02.07 win (+13) SoR (Soldiers of Republic)
17.02.07 loss (-08) GST (GermanStormTroopers)
17.02.07 win (+28) EF (Empire Fleet)
09.02.07 win (+30) TCC (The Cellar Clan)
10.02.07 loss (-13) NEA (New-Earth-Alliance)
04.02.07 loss (-18) GAW (German-Airwolfs)
02.02.07 loss (-17) EP (Enten-Patrouille)
20.01.07 win (+14) SF (Special Forces)
13.01.07 loss (-03) TuW (The unknown Warriors)
12.01.07 loss (-03) SBR (Space Battle Rangers)
06.01.07 loss (-18) WoD (Warriors of Darkness)
02.01.07 loss (-03) TBA (Tha Bloody Angels)
18.12.06 draw (+07) OOC (Out Of Control)
16.12.06 loss (-19) tAoD (The Army of Darkness)
16.12.06 loss (+00) IW (Immortal Warriors)
09.12.06 win (+22) WC (Winner-Clan)
02.12.06 win (+25) SoR (Soldiers of Republic)
26.11.06 loss (-18) EP (Enten-Patrouille)
18.11.06 win (-01) RoD (Republic of Darkness)
28.10.06 win (+27) CCE (ChAoS-Clan-Elite)
14.10.06 win (+26) BC (Battleclan)
23.09.06 win (+18) GST (GermanStormTroopers)
16.09.06 loss (-13) GCC (German Crash Commando)
09.09.06 loss (-13) GAW (German-Airwolfs)
26.08.06 loss (-27) GA (German Eagles)
19.08.06 loss (-24) UEF (Unleashed Elemental Forces)
12.08.06 draw (+04) tAoD (The Army of Darkness)
05.08.06 win (+08) GFA (German Flame Army)
05.08.06 draw (+06) GCC (German Crash Commando)
29.07.06 win (+13) IL (Illuminati)
29.07.06 loss (-03) TR (The Renegades)
22.07.06 loss (-15) UEF (Unleashed Elemental Forces)
15.07.06 loss (-30) CKZ (ClankillerZ) |
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